Sinqobile Ngcobo
Based in our Johannesburg office, Sinqobile looks for any opportunity to be creative, create, and challenge the status quo in her work as a director in consumer marketing.
I have never worked for a company where colleagues are always so willing to jump on board to create great work for clients, even in our different time zones.
Question and Answer

How long have you worked at Weber Shandwick?
I have been with Weber Shandwick for three years and ten months. I started at McCann PR in September 2014 just before the division merged with Weber Shandwick in November that same year.
What’s the best thing you’ve ever seen happen inside the Weber Shandwick offices?
Weber Shandwick’s network is so easily accessible. While we all engage through e-mail and telecom, the speed of help makes me feel so close with all my colleagues around the world. I have never worked for a company where colleagues are always so willing to jump on board to create great work for clients, even in our different time zones.
In five words or less, how would you describe your Weber Shandwick colleagues
Multicultural (for interesting conversations in the office). Engaging (never a dull moment with the dynamic bunch). Social activists. Go-getters. Empathetic.
What’s the coolest (or weirdest) place a project has taken you?
A tour of street art in Soweto for the Hennessy and Jon One collaboration campaign. I grew up in Soweto, but to have a different view of how art is interpreted in top landmarks in the township was quite a treat.

Coffee or Tea?

Paperback or eBook?
Paperback, no doubt.

Dogs or Cats?
Dogs. I have a dog named Aluta Continua.

What’s your favorite thing about Johannesburg?
Johannesburg has its own distinctive rhythm — a natural beat and energy. Ayobaness, as many would describe it! There is no friendlier city than Johannesburg aka Jozi. From the minute you land at the airport, you will be greeted with amazing weather and a friendly smile.
What’s your favorite food to eat in Johannesburg?
Malamogodu (stewed tripe). It’s a South African recipe that you will find at almost every traditional family gathering. It might not look appealing at first glance, but it’s so deliciously divine.
What’s something surprising people might not know about you?
I love reggae/dancehall beats and dance. Whenever I have my headphones on to concentrate, I am 90% most likely listening to dancehall beats.
Do you do any volunteering or charity work?
I mentor a lot of young ladies I accidentally met through my work.
Where would you love to travel in the world to gain inspiration?
Sweden. Africa. Germany. South Korea. United States. In that order.
Who is someone that inspires you right now?
Creatives inside Weber Shandwick. I want to be a fly on the wall when they are coming up with ideas.